Today we prepared masa para pancakes to cook them in the fiesta. We finish our Tin man and play games outside and we finish the scarecrow costumes.
In the afternoon we played a lot in the inchable, we painted our faces, we cooked the pancakes and we made bracelets.
We listened to the music and we sang a canción “follow the yellow brick road” como remate final a unha semana full of fun con Dorothy , Toto e os seus amigos o Scarecrow, o Tin Man, o Lion e a súa aventura par ver ao Wonderful Wizard of Oz.!AqCadCiXptjJwDAZRGB_zsCuh_Ln
Vémonos a semana que ven con máis contos!!!
See you on monday
Good evening!!!
Today we had a fantastic day of swimming pool in Club Fluvial. Chegamos e almorzamos rápidamente para ir correndo á auga . Estivemos nadando, tirándonos polos tobogáns…. We enjoyed a lot.
Logo estivemos facendo games con moita fame, we were very hungry….
We had for lunch empanada and hot dog, and a lot of fresh fruit….e despois estivemos xogando no parque ata que chegou o bus, e voltamos ao cole
Here you are many photos of our day!AqCadCiXptjJwC_leCyipH2-UJXw
See you tomorrow…. Kisses
Hello everyone!!!
Today we started the day with the topic tale, watching videos. Despois decidimos que era boa idea aprender un pouco the dance of the tale.
Almorzamos… singing and dancing e despois estivemos facendo os disfraces para the party of the last day. Despois de xantar, after lunch estivemos na carballeira e no patio, facendo xogos e practicando multiaventura very dangerous, pero o fixemos xenial, pasámolo moi ben
Aquí tedes algunhas fotos do día.
Bicos e deica mañá na piscina….!AqCadCiXptjJwC567VAEtnUCIGGd
Ola familias !!!
Today , luns 25was a very busy day. We arrived at 10 am and we played with our new friends. Moitos de nós xogamos coa plasticine, outras e outros painted some pictures de Wizard of Oz. Despois fixemos introduction games para coñecernos mellor e máis tarde we had breakfast!!!!!
When we finished having breakfast we played outside, xente down the slide and we played the spider web.
After,,…. had lunch and in the afternoon fixemos water games. Bañámonos no slide, tirámonos auga e xogamos con water balloons!! Foi un día emocionante e gozamos moito do campamento!!! Mañá máis…
Aquí vos deixamos unhas fotos para que vexades!!!AqCadCiXptjJwCyy9ow3eizZwnwN
Ata mañá!! Bicos mil.