Rúa Xián 8, 27296. Lugo, Galicia

Venres 6 de Xullo 2ª semana Urban English Camp

It´s Friday. Today finished painting our shoeboxes. Pegamos un aeroplane, un asteroid and stars and we also spread some glitter. We put the fox and the little prince. We painted an then we had breakfast, after we played outside usind the parachute.

Xogamos ao game the cat and the mouse and sharks and lifeguards e tamén ao scarf game.

Despois de xantar fixemos a party. We jumped in the inchable, we made tatoos and we played around.

At the end we listened the little prince song Turnaround before going home.

Here some photos.


See you next week with another fantastic tale


Hello everyone!

Today we enjoyed a lot in Club Fluvial. Chegamos cediño, and after breakfast, we had a very long bath, Estivemos, playing, jumping and sliding.

Rápidamente nos puxemos a roupa seca e xogamos un pouquiño antes de comer. Por certo, riquísima a empanada e os hot dogs, and melon for dessert. Coa barriguiña ben chea, after lunch xogamos nos columpios, fixemos pulseiras, nos maquillamos e pintamos as nails, xogamos ao futbol…., a day full of fun

Aquí vos deixamos as fotos do día


Ata mañá….



Good morning everyone!

Today Wednesday we started the day singing an dancing “Good morning” and “turnaround”. Then we prepared as nosas shoeboxes do Little Prince e rematamos as handprint crafts. At breakfast time comemos as galletas e os bisquits que fixemos onte no cooking time e despois de tomar o brakfast fixemos un montón de xogos, uisamos o parachute e xogamos a sharks e lifeguards e a foxes and little prince.

After having lunch, fixemos obstacle races por equipos. We ran a lot, we all jumped and walked using stilts. Finally we listened a song before going home

Here you are some phtos of our fantastic day


See you tomorrow


Hello family:

Hoxe Tuesday demos benvida ao día coa Good morning song e despois escoitamos “Turn around” da soundtrack do Little Prince. We really like them!

O grupo d@s maiores finished a craft de salpicado e quedou super cool; por outra banda, os peques comezamos a maualidade do Little Prince in a shoebox.

Despois xogamos fóra todo o rato. Fixemos xogos de pilla pilla, we climbed the ladder in the Carballeira, un scavenger hunt e un “duck,duck, goose”.

Pola tarde we cooked sheep and planets do conto do little prince e rematamos con running games fóra.


See you soon








Ola familias!!!

Unha nova semana chea de adventures acaba de comezar! Hoxe we met new friends asi que fixemos introduction games e ademais presentamos o tale of the week: The little prince.

We talked about The little Prince, a sheep,  o fox, the elephant and the boa and the planets he visits.

Tamén comezamos unha craft (sprinkled jig and animals fingerprints) aproveitando que a imagination xoga un papel importante nesta historia, intentamos buscar un coello no medio do forest. E como non todo é o que parece, nun debuxo cheo de Panda bears, buscamos un little dog.

In the afternoon we continued the crafts before playing games inside the gym.


See you tomorrow!!
