Dear friends,
I would like to thank you all for making me feel very welcome. I enjoyed a lot spending time with you.
Sentinme at home e fixen cousas moi divertidas con todos vós e as vosas familias. Descubrín que unha visita á farm can be a wonderful trip. Conducín un tractor e incluso unha wheelbarrow. Yepee! I think it was a limited edition!
Xoguei en old medieval castles e fun un helicopter pilot. Ademais xoguei con dinosaurios, unicorns, ovellas, bears and dogs. But I also cooked with you. Incluso batín algúns ovos!
I ate pizza, grapes, soup, lentils, pasta, sandwiches, strawberries. Probei diferentes tipos de comida que nin sequera coñecía 🙂
I visited Galén’s kitchen e coñecín a Macu. Tamén fun ás montañas e visitei a beautiful vegetable garden. I watered the plants there.
I rode an electric scooter pola rúa e tamén montei nunca bici chulísima. Tamén toquei a batería and I even voted in favour of…Well! That’s irrelevant!
I just wanted to show you all how I felt sharing these great moments with you 🙂
Moitísimas grazas por facer que esta aventura fose posible.
See you soon 🙂