Rúa Xián 8, 27296. Lugo, Galicia

Venres 13 de Xullo no Urban English Camp

Ola familias

Our last day was totally cool. We started the day listening to music “What does the fox say?” and “I’m a gummy bear”. Then we finished our “Wild’s portrait”.
We had breakfast and after it, we prepared butter cookies mixing flour, eggs, sugar and butter. We cut them and they were shaped using “woodland animal shapes”.
In the afternoon we celebrated the party. We play in the inchable, we made new tatoos and we ate the butter cookies we’d made in the afternoon.

Deste derradeiro día podedes ver unhas fotos aquí.

Agardámosvos o vindeiro anoooooo!!!!




Boas familias.

What an amazing day it was today!

We spend the day in the fluvial. We had breakfast there e despois fomos para a auga. All of us swam a lot, play under the water and we went down the water slide in millón de veces! We really love it! Había unha frog e un octopus que fixeron que @s máis peques o pasaran xenial e @s maiores went down on the big slides.
After a perfect morning, We had lunch and then we played in the park. Incluso we painted our nails and made really cool tatoos. We also played football and swun on the swings.
After arriving Galén we listened to music and we dance “what does the fox say?” And “I’m a gummy bear”

Podedes ver unhas fotos do día premendo aquí.

Ata mañá!!!


Ola de novo!

We started listening to the “Good morning song”. After arriving we all, we made the wild fortrait and the big kids created a really beautiful “flower sun catcher” too. Utilizamos as leaves and flowers que recollimos onte. Fomos a tomar o breakfast e  logo os e as peques fomos esconder as fichas de animais do bosque e as súas footprints. As e os big kids foron a buscalas. Ao rematar xogamos no gym ao dodgeball e outros xogos divertidos.

Xa despois do xantar fixemos “handmade soap” en moldes chulísimos e xogamos a running games outside in the playground.

Aquí tedes as fotiños de hoxe.

Mañá á swimming pool!!! Recordade traer todo o necesario.



Good Tuesday!

Today fixemos memoria para recordar o conto da semana “Wild”. We talked about it and about the different woodland animals we know. Then we watch a video.

Tamén fomos esconder o “WILD PUZZLE” para que @s maiores as atoparan. They looked for the pieces que estaban agochadas no bosque.
After having breakfast we went to a new woodland next to the school to play pilla pilla, escondite e ao director de orquestra. At the end we took some leaves, flowers and fents from the ground so we could use them tomorrow for our “WILD craft”.
In the afternoon we played water games. We used sponges to absorb water and fill a little box. We passed water balloons e fixemos unha guerra de auga onde todos disfrutamos mollando aos demais.

Foi un día xenial!!!

Deixámosvos aquí as fotos do día.

Ata mañá.



Ola familias. Welcome to this nova exciting week!

This week we’re going to deal with WILD, an amazing book writen by Emily Hughes.

Today comezamos facendo introduction games para coñecer the new kids. We talked about woodland animals como o esquío, o hedgehog, os deers, rabbits, fox… e despois preparamos pequenos debuxos nas little pieces of wood para que o resto dos compañeiros adiviñase o tipo de animal que eran.
After having breakfast @s maiores made a treasure hunt for the little kids. They hid some pieces of a “WILD PUZZLE” and we found them. It was really funny.
In the afternoon fixemos water games con relay races.

Que ben o pasamos!

Mañá esperámosvos con máis aventuras. Podedes ver aquí as fotos das nosas andanzas.